Atmospheric Science Research Group
Department of Physics
Exact Science School
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste

Manuel Pulido

Professor UNNE (1)
Independent Researcher CONICET (2)

(1) Department of Physics
Exact Science School (FACENA)
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste
Av Libertad 5400, Corrientes (3400), Argentina
Tel: +54 3783 473932 Int 132 Fax: +54 3783 473930

(2) UMI - French-Argentine Institute of Climate Studies (IFAECI, CNRS-CONICET)
Institute of Modeling and Technology Innovation
National Research Council (CONICET)
Personal web page

Research Interests

  • Data assimilation (4dVar and EnKF).
  • Physical subgrid-scale parameterizations.
  • Atmospheric gravity waves.
  • Climate models.

  • Publications The list of my publications

    Significant responsabilities

    1. Elected member ICMA-IUGG International commission of Middle Atmosphere International Union of Geophysics and Geodesics 2015-2023
    2. Member. SPARC Scientific Steering Group of the World Climate Research Program . From 1/1/2011-31/12/2013.
    3. One of the core members in the gravity wave momentum budget initiative (WCRP, SPARC) October, 07-onwards.
    4. Co-chair Earth Atmosphere Sciences Comission, ANPCyT, Ministry of Science, Argentina (2010).
    5. Convener Gravity wave Session August 2010. The meeting of the Americas. Foz Iguazu (Brasil). American Geophysical Union.
    6. Convener Data assimilation techniques Session August 2010. The meeting of the Americas. Foz Iguazu (Brasil). American Geophysical Union.
    7. Program committee - AGU Chapman Conference: Atmospheric Gravity Waves and Their Effects on General Circulation and Climate. Feb 2011. Honolulu, Hawaii (USA).
    8. Scientific Committee. CLIVAR VAMOS Workshop on Modeling and Predicting Climate in the Americas. 4-6 June 2012. Petropolis, Brasil.
    9. Scientific Committee. Workshop on Interactions between Gravity Waves and Turbulence in the ABL. 18-22 July 2012, NCAR, Boulder Colorado (USA).
    10. Invited speaker. Exploring the use of data assimilation methods for the detection and attribution of climate change (DADA) workshop. October 15-18,2012. Buenos Aires (Argentina).
    11. Organizing Committee. A regional WCRP/SPARC Workshop with focus on the Southern Hemisphere and South America. November 26-27 , 2012. Buenos Aires (Argentina).
    12. PI CECONEA - UNNE high performance computer centre


    I obtained my PhD in Physics (2001), supervised by G. Caranti at FaMAF, National University of Cordoba (Argentina).
    I worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow from 2001 to 2004 at the Department of Meteorology, The University of Reading (UK) where I worked with J. Thuburn.
    In 2004, I obtained a Professorship at the Department of Physics in the Northeastern National University where I lead the Atmospheric Science Research Group.
    In 2008, I took a sabatical (9/2008-9/2009) to visit the Department of Physics University of Toronto where I collaborated with T. Shepherd and S. Polavarapu.

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