Manuel Pulido
Professor UNNE (1)
Independent Researcher CONICET (2)
(1) Department of Physics
Exact Science School (FACENA)
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste
Av Libertad 5400, Corrientes (3400), Argentina
Tel: +54 3783 473932 Int 132 Fax: +54 3783 473930
(2) UMI - French-Argentine Institute of Climate Studies (IFAECI, CNRS-CONICET)
Institute of Modeling and Technology Innovation
National Research Council (CONICET)
Personal web page
Research Interests
Data assimilation (4dVar and EnKF).
Physical subgrid-scale parameterizations.
Atmospheric gravity waves.
Climate models.
The list of my publications
Significant responsabilities
- Elected member ICMA-IUGG International commission of Middle Atmosphere International Union of Geophysics and Geodesics 2015-2023
- Member. SPARC Scientific Steering Group of the World Climate Research Program . From 1/1/2011-31/12/2013.
- One of the core members in the gravity wave momentum budget initiative (WCRP, SPARC) October, 07-onwards.
- Co-chair Earth Atmosphere Sciences Comission, ANPCyT, Ministry of Science, Argentina (2010).
- Convener Gravity wave Session August 2010. The meeting of the Americas. Foz Iguazu (Brasil). American Geophysical Union.
- Convener Data assimilation techniques Session August 2010. The meeting of the Americas. Foz Iguazu (Brasil). American Geophysical Union.
- Program committee - AGU Chapman Conference: Atmospheric Gravity Waves and Their Effects on General Circulation and Climate. Feb 2011. Honolulu, Hawaii (USA).
- Scientific Committee. CLIVAR VAMOS Workshop on Modeling and Predicting Climate in the Americas. 4-6 June 2012. Petropolis, Brasil.
- Scientific Committee. Workshop on Interactions between Gravity Waves and Turbulence in the ABL. 18-22 July 2012, NCAR, Boulder Colorado (USA).
- Invited speaker. Exploring the use of data assimilation methods for the detection and attribution of climate change (DADA) workshop. October 15-18,2012. Buenos Aires (Argentina).
- Organizing Committee. A regional WCRP/SPARC Workshop with focus on the Southern Hemisphere and South America. November 26-27 , 2012. Buenos Aires (Argentina).
- PI CECONEA - UNNE high performance computer centre
I obtained my PhD in Physics (2001), supervised by G. Caranti at FaMAF, National University of Cordoba (Argentina).
I worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow from 2001 to 2004 at the Department of Meteorology, The University of Reading (UK) where I worked with J. Thuburn.
In 2004, I obtained a Professorship at the Department of Physics in the Northeastern National University where I lead the Atmospheric Science Research Group.
In 2008, I took a sabatical (9/2008-9/2009) to visit the Department of Physics University of Toronto where I collaborated with T. Shepherd and S. Polavarapu.