Atmospheric Science Research Group
Department of Physics
Exact Science School
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste

For current research projects that I am involved in see Group Research

    ASDE - 4DVar

    For several years we have been developing a four-dimensional variational assimilation system (Pulido and Thuburn, QJ 2005, 2006) based on the middle atmosphere dynamical model of the University of Reading (Thuburn MWR, 1997; Andrews, PhD Thesis Univ. of Reading, 2001). The model has a hexagonal-icosahedral grid with isentropic levels as the vertical coordinate. The system is also composed by an adjoint model (i.e. a full adjoint of the tangent linear model) and an optimization module based on conjugate gradients.
    We called it ASDE (Assimilation System for Drag Estimation) since gravity wave drag/parameter estimation was the first application of the system.

    Zonal gravity wave drag estimated by ASDE in August 2002 using Met Office analysis

    Please do not hesitate to contact me to pulido at if you are interested in the source codes of the assimilation system.
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