Atmospheric Science Research Group
Department of Physics
Exact Science School
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste

The group is involved in the following research projects:

Data Assimilation
2013-present Estimacion de error sistematico y parametros en modelos de distinta complejidad usando filtro de Kalman por ensambles PIP 2012. CONICET. PI: Manuel Pulido CoPI Juan Ruiz
2012-present Tecnicas de Asimilacion de Datos Regionales con Validacion y Aplicacion en el Norte Argentino PICT 2011. ANPCyT. National Agency of Science Development. PI: Manuel Pulido
2009-2012 Parameter estimation in climate models using data assimilation. PICT 2007. ANPCyT. National Agency of Science Development. PI: Manuel Pulido

Gravity waves
2008-present Gravity wave momentum budget for global circulation studies. SPARC (WRCP) initiative. Project coordinator: Joan Alexander NWRA/CoRA, USA.
2006-2009 The impact of gravity wave deposition in the Antarctic vortex dynamics. PICT 2004. ANPCyT. National Agency of Science Development. (Agencia Nacional de Promocion Cientifica). PI: Manuel Pulido
2005-2007 The downward control of gravity wave drag in high latitudes. Observational estimation. Secretaria de Ciencia y Tecnica, UNNE. PI: Manuel Pulido

Remote Sensing. Data Analysis
2007-present Robust techniques applied to the processing and analysis of teledetection and climate data PICT 2005. ANPCyT. National Agency of Science Development. PI: Magdalena Lucini


Our research is enhanced through close ties with:
  • Pablo Canziani, Universidad Catolica Argentina - CONICET

  • George Chimonas, Georgia Institute of Technology (USA)

  • Saroja Polavarapu, Environment Canada

  • Ted Shepherd, University of Toronto (Canada)

  • John Thuburn, The University of Exeter (UK)

  • German Torres, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba

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