LINUX Software
- OpenSUSE We feel confortable with this linux distro (open-source)
- ION Minimalist window manager which enhances keyboard use (open-source)
- Python Easy-to-use objet-oriented programming language (open-source)
- Gfortran GNU Fortran. We regret Intel fortran does not have an open academic license anymore, so we plan to migrate to gnu fortran.
- LaTeX Documentation (open-source)
- NCAR GraphicsSoftware for scientific visualization
- Grid Analysis and Display System (Open-source)
- NetCDF Network common data format (Open-source)
- IDL Interactive Data Language. Numerics and data visualization.
- VIS5DSystem for interactive visualization of data sets produced by numerical weather models (open-source)
- Tkdesk File manager that reminds NeXT style (open-source)